Medium-density overlay plywood (MDO plywood) is durable plywood that is used primarily for outdoor applications due to its weather-resistant nature. In addition to its exceptional durability, MDO plywood is very easy to finish and paint. What makes this plywood truly unique is its layer of resin-infused fiber that is bonded to the plywood through a […]
Can You Paint Fire-Treated Wood?
Fire-treated wood is a great way to ensure your building is protected from fire damage. Although there are common misconceptions associated with most types of treated wood, one that people have about fire-treated wood is that it is more difficult to paint than non-treated wood. For those interested in using fire-treated wood, it will be […]
Is Fire-Retardant Plywood Non-Combustible?
Fire-retardant plywood is a great way to reduce the risk of a fire outbreak and minimize the spread of any fire inside of your residential or commercial property. This is because the plywood is made less resistant to fire by adding fire-retardant chemicals that are very slow to ignite. It is helpful to understand how […]
Should I Seal Marine Grade Plywood?
Let’s face it: there are dozens of types of plywood, and each one can be used for different purposes (i.e., indoor or outdoor use). Plywood has been one of the top-produced materials in North America for many years. According to the APA: The Engineered Wood Association, there were nearly 4 billion square feet of plywood […]
Top Uses For ACX Plywood
If you’re considering reconstruction of part of your home, there is no doubt about which type of material is the best choice: ACX Plywood. This plywood is made of a higher-grade material and comes in many different sizes. ACX Plywood can also be utilized for certain outdoor structures, but it is not suitable for every […]
What Is Southern Yellow Pine Plywood?
Southern yellow pine plywood is one of the most used materials for construction plywood. It can be used for a range of different purposes, including most interior and exterior construction projects. Many DIY homeowners, contractors and construction companies prefer Southern Yellow Pine plywood to other types of plywood, as it is strong, dense and affordable. […]